Types of WEB and their characteristics.
First of all, I want to highlight, that WEB was not something like an actual Internet, but it was a time, separated by the periods (3 of them), and managment of the Net.
WEB 1.0
Web 1.0 refers to the first stage in the World Wide Web, which was entirely made up of web pages connected by hyperlinks. This type of WEB can be described as a simple static pages, which consist of some texts, hypertexts, multimedia objects. Of course all the materials are written by a moderator, who can provide only just reference materials. Users had no ability to create posts and actually do anything excluding reading/watching/listening.
WEB 2.0
One of the main characteristics of a WEB 2.0 site is that users are encouraged and invited to contribute content, instead of simply reading what’s already there. With WEB 2.0 every common user could upload textes, any multimedia, work in social networks and have a lot of fun during their tenure in the internet. It was an actual revolution.
WEB 3.0
WEB 3.0 is predicted to become the new paradigm of the internet, an extension of WEB 2.0. Until this day there is still a huge debate around the existence of WEB 3.0. Many argue that we have already entered this era, while others disagree and claim that it is still a long road ahead until we reach it. The main idea of WEB 3.0 is to ficilitate the humanity's work by creating a special links through the Internet. It is not about enjoyment. Many people use remote access to control their houses (or anything "smart" in them).
Speaking of SecondLife-kind services
I do not like the apps like this. The main reason why sounds like "If you want to study something, then it is needless to use anything entertaining. You have to find your own interest in subject."
The point of the statement leads to the next idea: I do not see any learning/teaching potential in the application. It can distract a person from real problems, which is why the meaning of learning on such platforms is almost always absent.
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