QR's and Quiz

Traditional learning materials yield attractive, motivating and technologically enhanced learning materials. The QR (Quick Response) Codes are one of these innovations. The aim of this study is to redesign a lesson unit supported with QR Codes and to get the learner views about the redesigned material. Descriptive data analysis was used in the study. The findings were interpreted on the basis of Theory of Diffusion of Innovations and Theory of Uses and Gratifications. After the research, the themes found were awareness of QR Code, types of QR Codes and applications, contributions to learning, and proliferation of QR Codes. Generally, the learners participating in the study reported that they were aware of QR Codes; that they could use the QR Codes; and that using QR Codes in education was useful. 

Ways of using QR codes in studies:

1) Put QR codes on classroom library books, linking out to information about the author and or book.

2) Create scavenger hunts and/or webquests for students that get them moving around the room. Scanning a QR code makes is easier for the younger students so they don’t have to type the long urls.

3) Add QR codes to homework sheets that link out to sources of help.

4) Use a QR code to award a prize for good work or good behavior! The code can simply link to web page or image that informs them what their reward is.

5) If students helped create awareness around spreading germs, for example, they might put the [QR] codes around the school or in a parent newsletter.

6) QR codes can be a great voting tool allowing students to vote by simply scanning the code as they enter or exit the classroom.











https://quizlet.com/_8i9y9g?x=1jqt&i=2vcfxw https://quizlet.com/_8i9y9g?x=1jqt&i=2vcfxw

https://quizlet.com/_8i9y9g?x=1jqt&i=2vcfxw https://quizlet.com/_8i9y9g?x=1jqt&i=2vcfxw


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