
Showing posts from October, 2020


As you may have noticed from the title, today we will talk about creating a presentation in popular online services. I managed to highlight the best ones that I want to share with you.  But first, I would like to remind you that creating presentations is a business that requires a sufficient amount of time, effort and resources. Finding information and formatting your presentation are the most difficult steps in creating your personal masterpiece.   PowerPoint Online. Microsoft products are widely used. Because these tools are so popular, many people are familiar with the software layout and commands. That helps make PowerPoint Online easy to learn to use.  There are some limitations, though. For example, you can't use PowerPoint Online unless you've got Internet access. Some views aren't available. You're limited to built-in themes, although you can import a presentation with a third-party theme. And you can only insert audio and video files through YouTube. There are ...
Types of WEB and their characteristics.  First of all, I want to highlight, that WEB was not something like an actual Internet, but it was a time,  separated by the periods (3 of them), and managment of the Net.  WEB 1.0  Web 1.0 refers to the first stage in the World Wide Web, which was entirely made up of web pages connected by hyperlinks. This type of WEB can be described as a simple static pages, which consist of some texts, hypertexts, multimedia objects. Of course all the materials are written by a moderator, who can provide only just reference materials. Users had no ability to create posts and actually do anything excluding reading/watching/listening. WEB 2.0 One of the main characteristics of a WEB 2.0 site is that users are encouraged and invited to contribute content, instead of simply reading what’s already there. With WEB 2.0 every common user could upload textes, any multimedia, work in social networks and have a lot of fun during their tenure in th...
Looking through some web-pages. As you all know, I'm a big fan of any creative stuff for stdying anything. I had to choose some of the resources and tell some words about 'em. ELSTOWER. This resource is great for little kids and for some infantile adults. It's full of bright pictures, dynamics and freedom of action. You and your kid will enjoy it from the first sight, and little colorful monsters will help you to have a great fun during studying somethung new. Rosetta Stone. RS is a kind of resource for people, who want to study languages deeper. It provides us a huge number of cources and languages. There is also a 7-day free trial for those people, who don't know if they really need it. Mostly the answer is "yes".  I liked the website because of its simplicity and variability.

First acquaintance.

 Good day to you, my little friends. I'm here for one simple reason: to teach you English through art. It's not hard to enjoy pictures, movies, music and plays, but what if we try to find a way to learn language with help of art? My aim is to show you the easiest way of studying with fun.  Thank you. Will see you soon.